- 《阿辰》最近更新章节(提示:已启用缓存技术,最新章节可能会延时显示,登录书架即可实时查看。)
- Final Chapter Messages.
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(4)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(3)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(2)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(1)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait-(4)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait-(3)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait.-(2)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait.(1)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(3)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(2)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(1)
- 《阿辰》全部章节列表(提示:为防止恶意攻击,若有的章节没有显示,请手机版阅读。)
- Prologue- Fall.
- Chapter-1 you and me.(1)
- Chapter-1 you and me.(2)
- Chapter-1 you and me.(3)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(1)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(2)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(3)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait.(1)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait.-(2)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait-(3)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait-(4)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(1)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(2)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(3)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(4)
- Final Chapter Messages.